
If your work is accepted as a FULL or SHORT paper, you will be required to prepare a presentation for the conference.
An accepted paper must come with at least one full registration at GCH 2024.

The paper must be presented in English.

Please refer to the conference program / schedule to confirm the session time slot for your paper presentation.

PaperPresentation Time
Short Paper15 minutes (incl. discussion)
Full Paper20 minutes (incl. discussion)

For presenting your poster we will provide a dedicated space in the conference venue. Your Poster will be displayed on dedicated boards that will be made available by the organizing committee.
In order to not exceed the available board size your Poster MUST be formatted to A0 (841mm x 1189 mm) portrait format size containing at maximum three columns. The poster mounting area will be prepared beforehand.

  • Posters should be simple, brief and prepared having in mind, primarily, their use as a basis for the presentation and possible discussion of the work that is already published in the Workshop Proceedings. However, they should be also self-intelligible.
  • Each poster presentation must have a title including the title of the poster, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country. This part should be prepared by the presenting author to fit into the provided space (74 cm x 20 cm).
  • As poster should be readable by more than one person at the same time, a letter size of at least 6 mm in height for the text and 10 mm for the section headings are suggested. You should prepare your poster in a three column format. Each column can be subdivided and may conveniently be divided into sections, e.g.
    • Problem Description,
    • Previous Work,
    • Challenges,
    • Your approach/method,
    • Results / evaluation, and
    • ending with a Conclusion.
  • Include the most important references according to the style guides given for the paper submission.
  • Each of the poster should contain a complete piece of information, such as text, a figure of table with a simple legend, or a few paragraphs.
  • Pictures do describe more than words, so try to be visual as much as possible. You might span pictures over more than one column and provide some figure caption. 

The poster template can be downloaded here:

  • Posters will be printed for you and will be already mounted on a poster board at the location.
  • You should staff your poster for the assigned poster sessions during several coffee breaks (see schedule for times). 
  • Ideally, posters are on display during the overall workshop. The organization committee will assist you in case of earlier poster removal.
  • In case of difficulties, please contact the poster chair for assistance.